
愛犬、体調不良でした – My dog ​​was unwell










Hello, this is Charlotte.

The day before yesterday, I took my dog ​​(a toy poodle) to get a grooming session.

When I got home, his eyes were itchy and red. I was so surprised that I put him in a buggy and ran to the nearest veterinary clinic, but it was closed for lunch and would not open for about three hours.

I had no choice but to bring him home, looked up a nearby hospital again, and took him there by taxi. The vet said that although they did not know the cause, he had a slight scratch on his cornea, so he prescribed antibacterial eye drops and corneal treatment eye drops.

After that, I returned home, but my dog’s eyes were almost in pain and he could hardly open them. I was very worried that night, so I slept with him.

Fortunately, the swelling and redness of his eyelids gradually subsided the next day, and he was able to open his eyes. (Thank God!) At one point, I was so worried that if I didn’t find a vet who specializes in ophthalmology and take him to see him, he wouldn’t get better, and I was so worried that my heart would break.

Actually, when I had him trimmed a month ago, his eyelids were a little red, so I got some eye ointment (steroid-based) from a local vet. It wasn’t as bad then as it was this time, but since it got worse right after trimming both times, I think there might be some reason for the trimming (for example, the shampoo doesn’t suit him, or the fine hairs are irritating, etc.). However, my dog’s hair grows without falling out like a toy poodle or a sheep, so trimming is essential.

I can’t stand the thought of the next trimming. First of all, I’m going to order at least a mild shampoo (for dogs with atopic dermatitis) and have them wash his head and above without using shampoo. I’m also worried that the cut hair might get in his eyes, so I’m thinking of having them wash it off with mild eye drops. (I plan to consult with the vet again about what is best.) I also plan to ask them to be careful to keep the wind from the hair dryer out of my dog’s eyes.

If you have a dog, please let me know about your experiences. Thank you very much.




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