普段は5000円位してしまう、David Austinのバラもあり、無職なのに大分買ってしまいました。。。本当はもっともっと欲しかったのですけど、8苗で我慢いたしました。
えっ!?無職なのに買い過ぎですって!? 大丈夫よ、株で億万長者になる途中だから!
Hello, this is Charlotte.
The other day I was browsing Takii Net and they were selling roses at a great price!
They also had David Austin roses, which usually cost around 5,000 yen, and even though I’m unemployed I ended up buying quite a few. . . . I actually wanted many more, but I restrained myself with eight seedlings.
I’m unemployed and I bought too much?!
It’s okay, I’m on my way to becoming a millionaire with the stock market!
If you like roses, check them out. I got some great roses at a great price.