彬子女王様のご本「赤と青のガウン オックスフォード留学記」をAmazonで買いました。明日届くようで、とても楽しみです。
You Tubeでご本についてお話される彬子女王様の動画を拝見いたしました。小さな星型のイヤリングをお付けになり、笑顔でインタビューをお受けになるお姿がとても素敵でした。
Hi, this is Charlotte.
I bought Princess Akiko’s book, “Red and Blue Gown: My Oxford Diary” on Amazon. It will arrive tomorrow, and I’m really looking forward to it.
I saw a video on YouTube of Princess Akiko talking about the book. She looked lovely wearing those little star-shaped earrings and smiling during the interview.
It seems that the book also includes information about her receiving her doctorate from Oxford University. I’m really looking forward to reading it!
Oh, by the way, it seems that Princess Akiko will be appearing on TV program of “Tetsuko no Heya” on the 16th. I’m looking forward seeing it!
**********A few days later************
The book arrived! I’ve only read a little bit, but I’m amazed by the table of contents alone! The table of contents is made up of various four-character idioms. Among them is “一念通天=Ichinen Tsuten.” As you all know, it means that if you make a strong decision and work hard, it will come true.
My grandmother often said, “If you put your mind to it, it will come true,” which is a perfect phrase for me right now! With the determination of “一念通天=Ichinen Tsuten,” I intend to overcome this personal difficulty (unemployment!).
I will also report on the progress, so I would appreciate your support from those who have found this blog.