私、一人暮らし。良くAmazon Prime Videoで楽しんでいます。
- HOMELAND ドキドキCIAスパイ作品。Claire Catherine Danesがヒロイン。
- FATHER BROWN BBCの作品。1950年代のコッツウォルズを舞台としたミステリー昨作品、ブラウン神父が事件の謎を解く。家具とかセットが可愛い。
- WOLF LIKE ME ファンタジーコメディ。面白くて、気軽に楽しい。
- FOREVER ファンタジーミステリー。ちょっと切ないけれど、楽しめる。
- マッチングの神様/Married at First Sight リアリティショー。初めて会った男女が結婚して、関係性を深めていく実験番組。ちょっと、くだらないけど、面白い。
- ジェレミー・クラークソン 農家になる/Clarkson’s Farm ドキュメンタリー。面白い。日本と違い、規模の大きめな農家を初心者のジェレミーが始める、試行錯誤を描いた作品。
- THE BIG BANG THEORY 面白過ぎる。天才的な理系の二人をメインに、友情と恋愛を描いているコメディドラマ。観ていない方は必見。面白過ぎ。
- SNEAKY PEAT 詐欺師のピートが主人公。面白かった。家族愛を感じる。
- ボッシュ/BOSCH LEGACY 面白い。刑事もの、サスペンス。
- グリフォン戦記/DER GREIF ファンタジー。ヤングアダルト向け?竜みたいなグリフォンという架空の動物や異世界での戦いの物語。面白い。続きが観たいのだけれど、作られないのかしら。
- ミスターメルセデス/Mr. Mercedes サスペンス。面白かった。スティーブン・キングの原作だとは知らずに観ていました。
他にもThe Sopranos(マフィアもの)もとっても面白かったですが、今はアマゾンプライムで観られない様子。
Hello, this is Charlotte.
I live alone. I often enjoy Amazon Prime Video.
I would like to use Netflix, but it is too much of a luxury for an unemployed person, so I am making do with only the free titles available on Amazon Prime. However, I have already watched quite a lot, so it is difficult to find interesting titles. Below are some titles that I thought were interesting. Basically, I don’t watch sad titles or titles with cruel scenes. So my tastes may be biased.
- HOMELAND – A thrilling CIA spy movie. Claire Catherine Danes is the heroine.
- FATHER BROWN – A BBC production. A mystery set in the Cotswolds in the 1950s. Father Brown solves the mystery. The furniture and sets are cute.
- WOLF LIKE ME – A fantasy comedy. Interesting, casual and fun.
- FOREVER – A fantasy mystery. A little sad, but enjoyable.
- Married at First Sight – A reality show. An experimental TV show in which a man and woman who have just met get married and deepen their relationship. A bit silly, but interesting.
- Clarkson’s Farm – Documentary. Interesting. Unlike in Japan, this is a film that depicts the trial and error of a beginner, Jeremy, starting a large-scale farm.
- The Big Bang Theory – Too fanny. A comedy drama depicting friendship and love, centering on two genius science students. A must-see for those who haven’t seen it yet. Too hilarious.
- SNEAKY PEAT – The main character is Pete, a con man. It was interesting. You can feel the love of family.
- Bosch, Bosch Legacy – Interesting. Detective story, suspense.
- DER GREIF – Fantasy. For young adults? A story about fictional dragon-like creatures called griffins and battles in another world. Interesting. I want to see the sequel, but I wonder if it will ever be made.
- Mr. Mercedes – Suspense. It was interesting. I watched it without knowing it was based on a Stephen King novel.
The Sopranos (a mafia story) was also very interesting, but it seems that it is not available on Amazon Prime at the moment.
I like things that are relatively casual and fanny. So, what should I watch next? I’m gradually running out of things to watch. Can someone recommend something?